Thursday, 30 November 2006


Played 12 hours today, now up to 14,913 hands total.

Challenge started off badly with an insane run of 1/2/4 outers for 1-2 buy-ins at 200NL. My 200NL Stats for the challenge are:

3,099 Hands / -8.61 BB/100 / -$1067.65

Have been destroying the 100NL, had a sick 4 hour 4 table session where i ran at over 50 BB/100 and $1500 in 4 hrs. 100NL Stats

11,814 Hands / 15.19BB/100 +$3588.89

Gonna get my roll up to 10k before moving back to 200NL.

1.5% of my million hands done - i am going to do this.

Some thoughts:

Much easier to run over a table when you've got a solid image and a big stack; everyones scared of the big stack.

Sometimes good to float and bet scare cards, be tricky, but not always. Mostly standard LAG play but i have been succesfully bluffing / calling bluffs for a good part of my $$s.

Now that i'm playing a lot i can tell a lot better how different players will bet and how to best exploit my PA HUD database. 3-betting LAGs works a treat. Focusing on table so important.

I've played poker for uhhh 30 of the last 40 hours my brain is jelly.

Need to do Hand Analysis and Videos etc.

More to come.

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